
Kim and her husband, Rick


Kim’s testimony and message of God’s transforming and reviving power of God speaks of His goodness and faithfulness.

Kim, along with her husband, sensed the Lord leading them to give people in their community an opportunity to go deeper in their relationship with the Lord. Taking a step of faith and partnering with God, they gathered with a group of people who were hungry for more, desiring to grow in their faith. What began as an outreach ministry later became known as The Dwelling Place, Ministry of Clarion, Inc.

Rick and Kim continued to build upon the foundation with the love and support of other leaders and people in the community. In November 2012, Kim and her husband were commissioned as pastors of The Dwelling Place where they faithfully served for 5 years.

Through this ministry, Kim led several women’s studies and home gatherings, as well as leading and facilitating an annual women’s conference in her community.

In June of 2018, Kim and her husband, Rick, partnered with God in a new assignment which involved coming alongside a husband/wife pastor team in their region. They served in the area of worship, mentoring and equipping.

Kim currently hosts Breath of My Beloved Ministries Women’s Night of Worship in her community on several occasions throughout the year. Breath of My Beloved Ministries hosted its first Women’s Conference in 2023. Kim also leads and facilitates solitude retreats, inviting women to embark on a holy journey of encountering the heart of the Father and His presence.

Rick and Kim are connected to a wonderful church fellowship that continues to shape and mold them as God’s vessels.