Encountering God in the Secret Place
Come to the Secret Place My Daughter…
I had the honor and privilege of growing up in a home where I was raised and taught about the value of having a relationship with the LORD. In my adult years, it was my desire to grow in my walk with the LORD, but I found myself in a place where I had become stagnant and yearning for more. I remember crying out to the LORD in desperation, “Take me deeper Lord”.
I discovered the deeper place begins in the “Secret Place”. The secret place is your designated, set apart time with the Lord, worshiping, praying and reading His Word on a daily basis. Spending time in God’s presence must be a priority in our daily lives. Carving out time to be alone with God positions us to encounter the heartbeat of the Father and to hear what He longs to speak to our heart. God longs for us to draw near to Him. He desires to have dialogue with us. He yearns for us to spend time with Him and as we spend time with the LORD, we encounter the very essence of who He is.
In the “Secret Place”, our roots go deep as we connect our heart to the Father. It’s in this place, where God gives us heavenly downloads, blueprints and strategies to propel us in our walk with Him. In order to walk out our God-given callings and destinies, we cannot afford to take any shortcuts in spending time in His presence.
In the “Secret Place”, God’s hand plunges deep into our soul and ignites our hearts with His holy flame. Our passion and zeal for the Lord grows as we spend time with Him. Stepping into this “Secret Place” will position you for spiritual, emotional and physical breakthrough. His presence heals, restores and revives. In the “Secret Place”, God pours out His wisdom, His love, His peace and His beauty.
Encountering God in the “Secret Place”, causes our hearts to long and yearn for the One Thing-Jesus. King David understood the value of going after this one thing. He proclaims in Psalm 27:4 (TPT)-“Here’s the one thing I crave from God, the one thing I seek above all else: I want the privilege of living with him every moment in his house, finding the sweet loveliness of his face, filled with awe, delighting in his glory and grace. I want to live my life so close to him that he takes pleasure in my every prayer.”
God is longing for you to encounter Him in the “Secret Place”. He is extending an invitation and is waiting for your ‘yes’. Your ‘yes’ will take you to a place, longing for more, never to be the same.
Thought for Reflection
Do you find yourself longing to spend more time in His presence? Do you encounter distractions that tend to pull you away from stepping into the “Secret Place”? As you carve out time to be with Him, God will fill you to overflowing. God is inviting you to partner with Him in the Secret Place. Remember the secret place is your designated, set apart time with the Lord, worshiping, praying and reading His Word on a daily basis. Know that as you meet Him there, He delights in your presence!
Father, I desire to spend time in Your presence. I long to feel Your heartbeat next to mine. Forgive me when I’ve exchanged being with you for earthly matters. Today, I choose to respond to your invitation to this “Secret Place” with you. I give you my ‘yes’, not just today, but every day.