Discovering Your True Identity
Whose Am I?
As a young woman, I will never forget the moment when I found out I was going to be a mommy. The title of being a mom made my heart soar. It gave me joy when I heard my children utter the word “mommy” for the very first time. As our children grew and later married and had children of their own, I was not only a mom, but had graduated to being a “Mimi”. I adored that title and I still do. 😊 In the course of my life as a mom, and a Mimi, I learned that my identity is not in my titles. While these things are truly a part of who I am, my identity is truly in Jesus alone.
One of the areas that impact God’s women from moving forward in their relationship with the Lord, is how they perceive their identity. If we identify ourselves based on our past, what we do or the title behind our name, we will never fully reach our potential in all God has for our lives.
I love the story of the Samaritan woman we read about in John 4. Jesus was being compelled by Holy Spirit to go to Samaria. He was being put on assignment as God knew there was a woman who needed an encounter with Jesus, that would change her identity forever.
Jesus is sitting at the well, weary from His travels. A woman comes to the well, having every intention of drawing water. Jesus begins to have a dialogue with this woman that is about to change her life forever.
Jesus asks her for a drink of water (John 4:7). As Jesus continues to have a conversation with this woman, He release powerful, life changing words. Jesus begins to tell her about the living water. This Samaritan woman could not wrap her mind around the words of Jesus. For one thing, Jesus had nothing to draw the water and how would she be able to receive this living water? She only knew of the natural water.
It is in this conversation Jesus is inviting her to a place of encounter and response. These are words she has never heard. Words that are about to change her world. Words that are about to bring a shift that will bring her face to face with her true identity. As Jesus is talking to her, the woman responds with an ache in her heart, desperate for this water that truly satisfies. (John 4: 13-14)
As they continue to have dialogue with one another, her current situation had been brought to the forefront by the love of Jesus. This woman who had 5 husbands was now living with a man who was not her husband. This was a defining moment for her. She recognized Jesus was no ordinary man. There was something different about Jesus.
This woman’s encounter with Jesus at the well changed her life forever. She became one of the most powerful evangelists that touched her region, bringing revival. This woman chose to leave her past behind and exchanged it for a new identity. An identity that propelled her into her destiny.
When you draw water from God’s well, the River of God flows in and through you. When your identity is aligned with Jesus, it will catapult you into the woman God has called you to be.